Defi­ance City Coun­cil passed an ordi­nance Tues­day night approv­ing the bud­get fol­low­ing a third read­ing — one of 10 leg­isla­tive items approved dur­ing the final meet­ing of the year. One of those items included an emer­gency ordi­nance estab­lish­ing the budget’s new police and fire fund.

Eight other ordi­nances, includ­ing one which trans­fers funds to the Defi­ance County Com­mu­nity Improve­ment Cor­po­ra­tion for eco­nomic devel­op­ment loans, were also approved.

Accord­ing to the bud­get ordi­nance, the police and fire fund totals $5,123,953 — $3,061,623 for police and $2,062,330 for fire.

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