Defi­ance City Coun­cil com­mit­tees are in the process of review­ing the city’s pro­posed 2014 bud­gets.

Council’s water and sewer com­mit­tees looked at the water and sewer bud­gets Tues­day dur­ing a com­bined meet­ing.

The gen­eral fund bud­get will be reviewed by council’s finance com­mit­tee at 5:30 p.m. next Tues­day, Oct. 22nd.

The largest pro­posed expen­di­tures include $554,370 to build a walk­way at the city reser­voir, $300,000 for street resur­fac­ing, $90,000 for three police cruis­ers and $60,000 for down­town alley improve­ments. The reser­voir project would rely on a grant of $419,496 from the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion.

This bud­get also will be reviewed by the finance com­mit­tee next week.

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