Defiance College prof gets award

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Pro­fes­sor Jo Ann Burkhardt of Defi­ance Col­lege. She’s been rec­og­nized with the first-ever Harold A. McMas­ter Life is Action Award. The pro­fes­sor of edu­ca­tion was hon­ored for her involve­ment with the McMas­ter School for Advanc­ing Human­ity since 2003. Over the last 13 years, Burkardt has guided nearly 120 McMas­ter Schol­ars as they work to improve the human con­di­tion by work­ing with var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ties. She plans to lead another group of Defi­ance Col­lege stu­dents next May to Cam­bo­dia for more human­i­tar­ian work.

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