Defiance Commissioners to take Courthouse Reno Bids

Defi­ance County Com­mis­sion­ers will open bids tomor­row from con­trac­tors who want to ren­o­vate the Defi­ance cour­t­house. If the con­tract is awarded quickly, all the coun­try offices which inhabit the cour­t­house now, the Clerk of courts, the Pro­bate and juve­nile court and the com­mon pleas court, will move to tem­po­rary offices in the for­mer city build­ing on Perry Street. The Com­mis­sion­ers have 60 days to accept or reject a bid, but are expected to move fast.

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FCCC accepting applications for Wall of Fame and Distinguished Service Award.

Four County Career Center is now accepting nomination forms for its Wall of Fame and …