Defiance County Board Of Elections Director Calling It Quits

In Defi­ance County, the board of elec­tions direc­tor will be resign­ing. Pam Schroeder, who took over as direc­tor in 2010 when Wayne Ols­son retired, has decided to step down, effec­tive on April 3. Schroeder has accepted a new job in the pri­vate sec­tor. Schroeder was appointed direc­tor in March 2010, mov­ing up from the deputy direc­tor posi­tion she had held since Novem­ber 2007. Now, Defi­ance County’s Repub­li­can Party must come up with some­one to replace her. If you are inter­ested, the appli­ca­tion dead­line is 4 p.m. April 10. You should send your appli­ca­tion and resume to Repub­li­can board of elec­tions mem­ber Steve Son­der­gaard at suite 103, 1300 E. Sec­ond St., Defi­ance 43512. In order to qual­ify as the new direc­tor, you must be a Defi­ance County res­i­dent or you must move to Defi­ance County within 30 days of being hired.

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