The Defi­ance Sheriff’s Office has been kept busy.

Early Sat­ur­day morn­ing around 3:24 a.m., on Sny­der Road in Rich­land Town­ship, a north­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 49 year old Tracy Whet­stone ran off the road and into a ditch, then flipped over. Whet­stone was cited for fail­ure to con­trol.

Sat­ur­day morn­ing around 6 a.m., on U.S. 24, east of Car­pen­ter Road in Rich­land Town­ship, an east­bound semi dri­ven by 61 year old Den­nis Sillery of Indi­ana ran off the road and into a ditch, then hit a fence before com­ing to rest in a muddy field. Sillery was also cited for fail­ure to con­trol.

Sun­day morn­ing at 2:08 a.m., on Ban­ner School Road in Tif­fin Town­ship, an east­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 18 year old Kalee Swein­hagen of Fort Wayne, ran off the road and into a ditch. Swein­hagen was cited for fail­ure to con­trol.

And on Sat­ur­day, April Hoff­man, whose age and address were not released, was arrested on a war­rant from Defi­ance County Com­mon Pleas Court.

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