Williams County is get­ting some new office space. The County Com­mis­sion­ers on Mon­day morn­ing, awarded a con­tract for almost $4.4 Mil­lion to Mosser Con­struc­tion of Fre­mont to ren­o­vate the for­mer Miller’s New Mar­ket gro­cery store on East High Street in Bryan.

The Bryan Times reports that the county will bor­row three and a half mil­lion or less to pay for the ren­o­va­tion.

The county paid $975,000 for the build­ing back in 2008. That debt has been retired. At that time, com­mis­sion­ers set aside an addi­tional mil­lion dol­lars to cover ren­o­va­tions. When fin­ished, the build­ing will yield an addi­tional 33,000 square feet of office space.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

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