Defiance DAV Plans Auction

Accord­ing to the Crescent-News, the Defi­ance DAV Chap­ter plans to auc­tion off on its build­ings on March 8th as part of it’s con­tin­u­ing efforts to down­size.

The 11 acres behind the build­ings have already been sold, and are planned for farm­land now.

The DAV reports that they plan to con­tinue to serve their mem­bers and to remain active in the com­mu­nity.

While DAV mem­ber­ship is free, in order to be a mem­ber, a vet­eran must have been injured or have a service-connected dis­abil­ity.

Cur­rently, they report that mem­ber­ship is grow­ing after years of falling num­bers due to the deaths of many World War II vets.

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