Defiance Family Loses All In Flames

A Defi­ance fam­ily lost their home and all their pos­ses­sions in a fire Fri­day morn­ing, and now they need every­thing to re-start their lives. Flames destroyed the home that Saman­tha Adkins shared at 401 Rulf St., with her two chil­dren and fiance, Nathan Brown. The first calls came in Fri­day morn­ing just after 3 a.m. When fire­fight­ers arrived they found the garage fully involved and flames extend­ing into the liv­ing area of the home. Six peo­ple were treated for injuries, and a neigh­bor­ing home was also dam­aged. Adkins’ home was totally destroyed. For­tu­an­tely, every­one made it out, thanks to work­ing smoke detec­tors. The cause of the blaze is still under inves­ti­ga­tion. Those inside got out with only the clothes on their backs, and now they need every­thing, includ­ing basic neces­si­ties includ­ing cloth­ing and basic house­hold items. If you can help, drop off what­ever you can spare at 26111 Eunice Avenue in Defi­ance.

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