Defiance Man Dies In Friday Crash

A man from Defi­ance man is dead, fol­low­ing a Fri­day after­noon crash in Allen County that left seven other peo­ple injured. 79 year old William Edgar Defi­ance was killed in the crash that hap­pened just after 2 Fri­day after­noon at U.S. 30 and Thayer Road when his north­bound Ford F-150 ran through a stop sign and was hit by an east­bound van dri­ven by 31 year old Jason Kauf­man of Indi­ana. Edgar, who had to be cut from the wreck­age, was pro­nounced dead at the scene of that crash. Kauf­man was taken, with seri­ous but non life threat­en­ing injuries, to an area hos­pi­tal. Six pas­sen­gers in Kaufman’s vehi­cle were also injured. The crash remains under investigation.

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