Defiance Meat Recalled

The Ohio Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture issued a press release on Sun­day, stat­ing Fort Defi­ance Meats, based in Defi­ance, has issued a vol­un­tary recall for kip­pered beef prod­ucts due to a pro­cess­ing devi­a­tion, and a recall for snack sticks due to being pro­duced with­out inspection.The prod­ucts being recalled include:

• Indi­vid­ual ran­dom weight kip­pered beef pack­ages in the fol­low­ing fla­vors: Hot, Bar­be­cue, Pep­pered, Reg­u­lar, Cajun, Kip­pered Beef with Jalapenos, Mesquite.

• Jalapeno and Ched­dar Snack Sticks with a pack on date of July 12, 2014 and Reg­u­lar Snack Sticks with a pack on date of July 7, 2014.

The kip­pered beef prod­ucts recalled were pro­duced from July 17, 2012-July 11, 2014 and bear the estab­lish­ment num­ber EST. 1324 inside the Ohio mark of inspec­tion. The prod­ucts were sold through the plant’s store in Defi­ance, as well as two local con­ve­nience stores in the Defi­ance area.

• The snack sticks, which were pro­duced with­out the ben­e­fit of inspec­tion, also bear the estab­lish­ment num­ber EST. 1324 inside the Ohio mark of inspec­tion and were sold only at the retail store in Defi­ance.

The prob­lem was dis­cov­ered by inspec­tors who found that there have been no cook­ing records for this prod­uct since Jan. 30th.

There have been no reports of ill­ness due to the products.

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