Defiance Police Release More On Gambling Raids

In Defi­ance, police have now released the names of those con­nected to the alleged “ille­gal casi­nos” that were raided last Thurs­day.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, Mar­vin Dabish, Robert Dabish and Nadia Dabish, all of Ore­gon, are the alleged own­ers and oper­a­tors of the Talk-N-Win Inter­net cafe in North­towne Mall. Jamish Robi­son, was the man­ager.

Defi­ance Police, along with the Multi-Area Nar­cotics Unit, the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office and the Black Swamp Elec­tronic Crimes Task Force exe­cuted three search war­rants last week in con­nec­tion with an 18-month under­cover inves­ti­ga­tion of “ille­gal casi­nos” allegedly oper­ated by the Dabishs.

Police seized ille­gal gam­bling equip­ment, includ­ing 101 gam­ing ter­mi­nals, along with cash; nar­cotics; and stolen firearms dur­ing the raids at Talk-N-Win (for­merly known as The Play­ers Club) and 28–1/2 Col­lege Place.

No charges have been filed.

Talk-N-Win, accord­ing to the news­pa­per, was one of six busi­nesses raided in our area last week for alleged ille­gal gam­bling.

Ohio Attor­ney Gen­eral Mike DeWine’s office reports war­rants were also served at Talk-N-Win Inter­net cafes in Toledo, Ore­gon, Fre­mont and Find­lay, plus at the Surf’s Up cafe in Ore­gon. All in all, more than $72,000 in cash was confiscated.

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