Defiance Road Re-Opened

In Defi­ance, East Sec­ond Street, from Prospect Street to Grover Avenue, is offi­cially open once again. The road had been closed since the begin­ning of June for replace­ment of the Pre­ston Run cul­vert. Sand Ridge Exca­vat­ing of Cloverdale, was the con­trac­tor cho­sen by the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion for the job.

The new cul­vert is 18 by 10 feet and approx­i­mately 126 feet long. It replaces the old cul­vert that was built in 1937.

Soon, the entire project, includ­ing new side­walks, should be com­pleted, but at least for now, the road is open to vehi­cles once again after a more than two-month closure.

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