Detroit Man Nabbed In Edgerton

Edger­ton Police, and their tac­ti­cal unit, arrested a Detroit man who they report as armed and dan­ger­ous , on a felony war­rant. 36 year old Brazel Gar­den­hire was taken into cus­to­day fol­low­ing a traf­fic stop on E. River St. in Edger­ton. Also caught was 30 year old Danielle Brun­son of Fort Wayne, the dri­ver of the vehi­cle, Gardenhire’s accom­plice.

Gar­den­hire was wanted by Michi­gan author­i­ties for a felony parole vio­la­tion. No weapons were found dur­ing the arrest. Both were taken into cus­tody and locked up in the Cor­rec­tional Cen­ter of North­west Ohio, where Gar­den­hire remains. Brun­son was released on bond.

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