District Two Roadeo

The Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion announces the fol­low­ing win­ners of the Dis­trict Two Roadeo, held at the ODOT’s Lucas County Garage:

Dump (Plow) Truck Win­ners

1. Dana Missler, Williams County Garage

2. Matt Har­vey, North­wood Out­post

3. Nick Miller, Henry County Garage

Front End Loader Win­ners

1. Dana Missler, Williams County Garage

2. Jim Saul, Williams County Garage

3. Chad Starner, Seneca County Garage

The Roadeo is an ODOT tra­di­tion where ODOT Snow Plow and Loader Oper­a­tors meet up in friendly com­pe­ti­tion to demon­strate their skills in a chal­leng­ing obsta­cle course. First and sec­ond place win­ners of the Dis­trict Two Roadeo will move on to face the win­ners from eleven other ODOT Dis­tricts at the ODOT Director’s Cup Roadeo, which will be held in Colum­bus this September.

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