Domestic Incident Leads To Standoff In Bryan

A Bryan man is behind bars today, fol­low­ing a domes­tic inci­dent that hap­pened over the week­end when he allegedly bar­ri­caded him­self in an apart­ment. 30 year old Cecil Web­ster has been charged with felony domes­tic vio­lence, resist­ing arrest, crim­i­nal dam­ag­ing, crim­i­nal tres­pass­ing and vio­lat­ing a pro­tec­tion order. He’s locked up today at the Cor­rec­tion Cen­ter of North­west Ohio. It all began when Bryan Police got a call just before 4PM on Sat­ur­day, say­ing a per­son on the 100 block of South Main Street, fol­low­ing an alleged domes­tic vio­lence inci­dent, was holed up at an apart­ment. Offi­cers rushed there and dis­cov­ered Web­ster had bar­ri­caded him­self inside. After sev­eral attempts to talk him out, offi­cers got in, and then dis­cov­ered that Web­ster had bro­ken through a wall into an adjoin­ing apart­ment before mak­ing his way to the roof of the build­ing. That’s where he was found and taken into cus­tody. He is sched­uled for a video hear­ing this morn­ing with the Bryan Munic­i­pal Court.

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