Don’t Drink And Drive

Indi­ana State Police say they will be con­duct­ing a sobri­ety check­point in DeKalb County tonight. In an effort to reduce the num­ber of alcohol-related auto­mo­bile crashes, the sobri­ety check­point will tar­get the impaired dri­ver and will be uti­lized in an area iden­ti­fied as hav­ing a high num­ber of alco­hol related crashes.

Other police forces through­out the area, includ­ing the Ohio High­way Patrol, say they too will be step­ping up enforce­ment efforts for drink­ing and dri­ving dur­ing this upcom­ing hol­i­day week­end. Police say if you are plan­ning to party, plan ahead and des­ig­nate a dri­ver who won’t be drinking.

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