As party-goers cel­e­brate Cinco de Mayo with som­breros, mari­achi music and authen­tic cui­sine, many will also indulge with their favorite mar­garita or tequila, and then, unfor­tu­nately, choose to get behind the wheel. That’s why this year the Ohio State High­way Patrol will be join­ing with other law enforce­ment agen­cies across the state to encour­age every­one to plan ahead this Cinco de Mayo and to never drive impaired.

The Patrol is plan­ning high-visibility enforce­ment and OVI check­points across the state in an effort to reduce OVI-related fatal and injury crashes.

Accord­ing to the National High­way Traf­fic Safety Admin­is­tra­tion, from 2007 to 2011, 38 per­cent of all motor vehi­cle fatal­i­ties that occurred each year around May 5th involved impaired dri­vers or motor­cy­cle oper­a­tors with blood alco­hol con­cen­tra­tions of .08 and above.

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