Drinking Water Week Announced

Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties on Mon­day, will kick off Drink­ing Water Week 2014 by ask­ing the ques­tion

“What do you know about H2O?“

Through­out all next week, Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties and pub­lic water com­mu­ni­ties across North

Amer­ica will cel­e­brate the value of water by learn­ing about the crit­i­cal role it plays in the qual­ity

of life we enjoy. Align­ing with this year’s Amer­i­can Water Works Asso­ci­a­tion theme, spe­cial

atten­tion will be given to the ways in which water con­sumers can get to know their H2O.

For 122 years, the Bryan Water depart­ment has pro­vided safe, depend­able drink­ing water to Bryan homes

and busi­nesses. National Drink­ing Water Week is a unique oppor­tu­nity for both water pro­fes­sion­als and the

com­mu­ni­ties they serve to rec­og­nize the vital role tap water plays in our daily lives.

Take a video tour of Bryan’s drink­ing water sys­tem by vis­it­ing www.cityofbryan.net/DrinkingWater.asp and

like BMU on Facebook.

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