Drive Underway To Pay For Library Roof

The Williams County Pub­lic Library in Bryan has a leaky roof.

Fol­low­ing last win­ter, the library suf­fered numer­ous roof leaks in the Main Library build­ing and the Local His­tory Cen­ter, one of which caused a small fire in the ceil­ing that forced the library to close for a day.

How­ever, due to state fund­ing cuts, the replace­ment of the roof has been put on hold until now.

Faced with the pos­si­bil­ity of another tough win­ter, the library deter­mined that it is nec­es­sary to start a $150,000 fund drive to replace both roofs this fall before fur­ther dam­age is done.

The Bryan Times reports that the Bryan Area Foun­da­tion started the fund drive with a grant of $75,000. The Friends of the Bryan Library gave a dona­tion of $15,000, and two anony­mous donors each gave $10,000. The library now has 75 per­cent towards the goal amount, or $110,000 raised.

If you would like more infor­ma­tion on how you can help, you can go on the library’s web­site at

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