Drug Indictments Handed Down In Williams County

Two Edon res­i­dents were among those indicted Tues­day by a Williams County Grand Jury.

43 year old Alando Smith and 29 year old Jena Thiel were indicted on charges includ­ing drug traf­fick­ing and child endan­ger­ment.

The Bryan Times reports that both are now charged with ille­gal man­u­fac­ture of drugs within the pres­ence of a juve­nile. If con­victed, the offense car­ries a manda­tory prison term of no less than five years.

Smith and Thiel were also both charged with aggra­vated pos­ses­sion of drugs, which is a fifth-degree felony, after both allegedly pos­sessed metham­phet­a­mine.

Smith also is charged with aggra­vated traf­fick­ing in drugs, a third-degree felony, and oper­at­ing a vehi­cle with a hid­den com­part­ment used to trans­port drugs, a second-degree felony.

Author­i­ties fur­ther allege that Smith had a firearm in his pos­ses­sion at the time he com­mit­ted the offenses, and Thiel also was charged with ille­gal assem­bly or pos­ses­sion of chem­i­cals for the man­u­fac­ture of drugs while she was in the vicin­ity of a juvenile.

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