The Edger­ton Board of Edu­ca­tion held their monthly meet­ing Tues­day evening. The board kicked off last night’s meet­ing with a tour of the old mid­dle school build­ing.

Super­in­ten­dent Andy Morr showed the board the lat­est improve­ments, includ­ing a coat of paint, new floor­ing in place of old car­pet and a new floor in the gym­na­sium.

Fol­low­ing the tour, board mem­bers were asked to approve a res­o­lu­tion declar­ing urgent neces­sity, and autho­riz­ing the board pres­i­dent and trea­surer to enter into con­tract for the new gym floor in the mid­dle school.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the old floor was made of asbestos tiles which could be a health haz­ard.

The board also received a list of cost-cutting mea­sures taken by the dis­trict in the past cou­ple years, which totaled $375,424. The biggest cost-saving mea­sures included shar­ing ser­vices of the trea­surer and the school psy­chol­o­gist with Edon Schools, reduc­ing and restruc­tur­ing staff and the replace­ment of retir­ing teach­ers with new teach­ers at lower salaries.

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