The Edger­ton Senior Cen­ter will stop using the com­mu­nity build­ing on North Michi­gan Avenue at the end of the month.

The Bryan Times reports that home-delivered meals and reg­u­lar ser­vices will con­tinue with­out on-site activ­i­ties. Edger­ton will offer daily trans­porta­tion to the Edon Senior Cen­ter until a new facil­ity is estab­lished in Edger­ton.

The prob­lem, accord­ing to pub­lished reports, was that the vil­lage of Edger­ton requested the senior cen­ter pay $184 per month for util­i­ties used in the com­mu­nity build­ing.

Edger­ton Vil­lage Admin­is­tra­tor Kevin Brooks reported that the vil­lage has col­lected $1 per year since 1998 for the space occu­pied by the senior cen­ter, while util­i­ties from its usage have cost between $90 to $217 per month.

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