Edon man’s sex case continued

The Bomber’s Saloon and Steak­house co-manager indicted on pros­ti­tu­tion charges had a pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing post­poned yes­ter­day. It’s the sec­ond con­tin­u­ance in the case of Eric John­ston. The Edon Police Depart­ment says they’ve had a long-term inves­ti­ga­tion of the man for sus­pected com­pelling minor pros­ti­tu­tion of a 15-year-old last month, and an August 2013 charge of impor­tun­ing of a child between 13 and 16. The 45-year-old Edon res­i­dent filed and received another con­tin­u­ance. The court did not set another date.

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