Election Results Listed

In the local elec­tions held yes­ter­day, two pro­pos­als for tax­a­tion in Defi­ance County — one for fire and res­cue ser­vices, the other for a new school — both won sup­port. And a renewal levy for Patrick Henry Local Schools also squeaked by. Mean­while though, vot­ers in Williams County’s Spring­field Town­ship voted down any new taxes for roads. Ayersville Local School District’s request for a 7.1-mill levy to help fund and main­tain new K-12 facil­i­ties passed by a vote of 727–683, and Defi­ance Township’s, 1.1-mill, con­tin­u­ing levy for fire and EMS ser­vice also passed. Voter turnout for the Ayersville levy was 50.9 per­cent. The new levy is expected to gen­er­ate approx­i­mately $40,000 per year. Vot­ers in sev­eral areas of Ful­ton County approved four tax issues Tues­day. They included two five-year renewals in Clin­ton Town­ship. A one-mill levy for roads and bridges was passed, 197–49, while a 0.3-mill levy for fire pro­tec­tion also was approved, 198–48. Pike Town­ship vot­ers approved a 0.5-mill replace­ment levy for fire ser­vice by a 68–15 count, and Swan­ton Vil­lage won renewal of a 0.5-mill, five-year levy for parks improve­ments, 105–31. Two levies seek­ing new taxs were on the bal­lot in Williams County. Edon Local School District’s 1 per­cent income tax request for cur­rent expenses passed, 533–393 while vot­ers in Spring­field Town­ship turned down a 1.5-mill, five-year levy for roads and bridges by a count of 83–77. Put­nam County had just one bal­lot item, a 1.5-mill, five-year replace­ment levy for fire and EMS in Greens­burg Town­ship. It passed 37–20.


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