Election Results Listed

Though all results are unof­fi­cial until cer­ti­fied, here’s the lat­est from yesterday’s vot­ing in Williams County, accord­ing to results pro­vided by the Williams County Board of Elec­tions:

Issue 2, the 1-mill, 5-year renewal levy to fund the Maple Grove Union Ceme­tery Dis­trict, passed.

Issue 3, the 1-mill, 5-year renewal levy to found the Spring­field Town­ship Park Dis­trict, also passed.

Issue 8, to approve the 11 a.m. to mid­night Sun­day sale of wine and mixed drinks at the Unity Mini Mart in West Unity, did not pass.

Issue 9, to approve the sale of beer, wine and mixed drinks at the Unity Mini Mart, also failed .

Issue 10, to approve the 10 a.m. to mid­night Sun­day sale of wine and mixed drinks form the Unity Mini Mart failed.

Issue 11, a 0.7-mill, 5-year renewal levy to fund Bridge­wa­ter Town­ship fire pro­tec­tion passed.

Issue 12, a 1-mill, 5-year levy renewal to fund Jef­fer­son Town­ship fire pro­tec­tion, passed.

Issue 13, a 2-mill, 5-year renewal levy to fund Spring­field Town­ship fire pro­tec­tion passed.

For Gov­er­nor and Lt. Gov­er­nor, incum­bent Repub­li­cans John Kasich and Mary Tay­lor got more than 73 per­cent of the vote, win­ning another term.

For state Attor­ney Gen­eral, incum­bent Repub­li­can Mike DeWine received 71 per­cent, and Demo­c­rat chal­lenger David pep­per came in with just shy of 29 per­cent.

For Audi­tor of State, incum­bent Repub­li­can Dave Yost beat Demo­c­rat chal­lenger John Patrick Car­ney and Lib­er­tar­ian chal­lenger Bob Bridges.

For Sec­re­tary of State, incum­bent Repub­li­can Jon Husted, who is from Mont­pe­lier, defeated Demo­c­rat chal­lenger Nina Turner and Lib­er­tar­ian chal­lenger Kevin Knedler.

For Trea­surer of State, incum­bent Repub­li­can Josh Man­del defeated Demo­c­rat Con­nie Pil­lich.

For Fifth Con­gres­sional Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, incum­bent Repub­li­can Bob Latta beat Demo­c­rat chal­lenger Robert Fry and Lib­er­tar­ian Eric Eberly.

For 81st Dis­trict State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive to replace the retir­ing Lynn Wacht­mann, Repub­li­can Robert McCol­ley defeated Demo­c­rat John Lymanstall.

For State Supreme Court Jus­tice, Sharon Kennedy and Judi French both won.

For 6th Dis­trict Court of Appeals Thomas J. Osowik and Arlene Singer were both winners.

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