Election Results Part 2

Elec­tion results are spon­sored by Bryan Ford Lincoln…

1 — In the Bryan City School Dis­trict the Pro­posed Bond Issue for school con­struc­tion for grades 6–12 and the remod­el­ing of the mid­dle school for Pre-K-5 grades, 7.45 mills, for a max­i­mum of 28 years passed with 55% of the votes.

2 — Bryan May­oral Race: Doug John­son won with 56% of the votes against Bill Pep­ple who had 36% of the votes and Stacey Nungester (pr. Nun-guester) who had 8% of the votes.

8 — In the Brady Town­ship Trustee Race there were 3 can­di­dates run­ning for 2 vacant Trustee posi­tions. Jef­fery Clark had 20% of the votes, Thomas Gerig (pr. Gear-ig) had 38% of the votes and Tim Nofziger had 42% of the votes.

9 — In the Madi­son Town­ship Trustee Race there were 5 can­di­dates run­ning for 2 vacant Trustee posi­tions. Rod­ney Baker Sr. had 24% of the votes, Nancy Frame had 14% of the votes, Richard Mey­ers had 24% of the votes, Cur­tis Short had 21% of the votes and Duane Votaw had 17% of the votes.

10 — In the North­west Town­ship Trustee Race there were 5 can­di­dates run­ning for 2 vacant full term Trustee posi­tions. Ben­jamin Dis­bro had 22% of the votes, Dan Hick­man had 20% of the votes, Tim Hick­man had 9% of the votes, Robert Kissinger II (pr. Kissing-er) had 26% of the votes and Duane Reamer had 23% of the votes.

11 — In the Supe­rior Town­ship Trustee Race there were 3 can­di­dates run­ning for 2 vacant Trustee posi­tions. Dave Apple had 25% of the votes, Hillis Rockey had 29% of the votes and Tom Wor­thing­ton had 46% of the Votes.

12 — In the Edger­ton Local School Dis­trict School Board Race there were 6 can­di­dates run­ning for 3 posi­tions on the School Board. Nick Hug had 19% of the votes, Christina Her­man had 17% of the Votes, Julie Santa-Rita had 24% of the votes, Bob Siebe­naler (pr. See-ben-aler) had 16% of the votes, Michelle Wheeler had 11% of the votes and Steve Wilmot (pr. Will-mot) had 13% of the votes.

13 — In the Edon (pro­nounced like in the gar­den of Edon from the Bible) Local School Dis­trict School Board Race there were 7 can­di­dates run­ning for 3 posi­tions on the School Board. Debra Green had 14% of the votes, Aaron Hake had 18% of the votes, Melissa Hantz had 14% of the votes, Jill Jacoby (pr. Ja-co-bee) had 14% of the votes, Ray Price had 10% of the votes, Jamie Schaffter (pr. Schoffter) had 15% of the votes and David Wehrle (pr. Were-lee) had 15% of the votes.

14 — In the North Cen­tral Local School Dis­trict School Board Race there were 5 can­di­dates run­ning for 3 posi­tions on the School Board. Leigh (pr. Lee) Booth­man had 28% of the votes, Anthony Bur­nett had 15% of the votes, Jim Fee had 19% of the votes, Mer­rill Frame had 15% of the votes and Homer Hen­dricks had 23% of the votes.

15 — In the Stryker Local School Dis­trict School Board Race there were 4 can­di­dates run­ning for 3 posi­tions on the School Board. Denise Blevins had 18% of the votes, Jason Leupp (pr. Lipe or rhymes with Like) had 26% of the votes, Sharon Von Seg­gern (gg = hard g) had 24% of the votes and Ben Woolace had 32% of the votes.

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