Emergency Services Building Plans Viewed

Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers reviewed plans at their meet­ing yes­ter­day, for a pro­posed $171,000 upgrade to the county’s Emer­gency Med­ical Ser­vices build­ing on Ohio 15.

The Bryan Times reports that the project as planned, will upgrade the foyer, close off the open garage on the west end of the build­ing, and relo­cate the garage to the east side of the build­ing. Two more restrooms that are ADA approved will also be added.

The revi­sions could boost the cost of the project to some­where around a quar­ter of a mil­lion dol­lars.

The entire amount of the project will be funded from its bud­get. No county gen­eral funds are involved accord­ing to commissioners.

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