Estrada To Remain On Wauseon Council

In Wauseon, it appears that Council-man Mar­tin Estrada will keep his seat, despite the recent dis­cov­ery that he was not a reg­is­tered Ful­ton County voter at the time of his appoint­ment to coun­cil. The Cres­cent News reports that Wauseon Mayor Kathy Huner said, at this week’s meet­ing, that she will not ini­ti­ate a for­mal removal process that could have resulted in Estrada los­ing his place on coun­cil. Under the city char­ter, a three-quarters vote would have been nec­es­sary to revoke Estrada’s coun­cil seat. How­ever, only Coun­cil Pres­i­dent Heather Kost, and Coun­cil­men Rick Frey and Jeff Sti­riz, voted to begin the removal process at a recent meet­ing. Estrada was appointed to coun­cil in August of 2014, but it wasn’t until Sep­tem­ber of that year, that Estrada reg­is­tered to vote in the county.

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