The con­tro­versy con­tin­ues to brew over the Pauld­ing County com­mis­sion­ers’ deci­sion to put daily over­sight of the county Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency and dog war­den office under the sheriff’s office. Now, it’s being taken to social media.

A Face­book page called Recall Pauld­ing Ohio Com­mis­sion­ers has been started.

The site had 411 mem­bers ear­lier this morin­ing and states that the goal is to get the sig­na­tures of 2,000 reg­is­tered vot­ers to make a recall a real­ity.

Recently, the com­mis­sion­ers voted to put the dog warden’s office under the super­vi­sion of the Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office, while the EMA will be under the author­ity of the com­mis­sion­ers, but also housed by the sheriff’s office. The sheriff’s office will hire a new dog war­den and assis­tant. A new EMA direc­tor will also be hired by commissioners.

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