Fair Attendance Drops In Defiance

Offi­cials report that over­all atten­dance was up at the gates, but not at the events dur­ing the recent 136th Annual Defi­ance County Fair.
Truck pulls and har­ness rac­ing had good turnouts, even despite the rain on Thurs­day.
Unfor­tu­nately, two other events fell short.
Come­dian Gallagher’s “Last Smash Tour” before his retire­ment marked the first time the fair used online sales. Peo­ple came from places as far away as Illi­nois, Florida and Cal­i­for­nia to see the come­dian smash one last water­melon, but the crowd was still below expec­ta­tions.
The rodeo was also very lightly attended.

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