Fall Festival in West Unity Saturday

There’s a Fall Fes­ti­val hap­pen­ing in the vil­lage of West Unity on Sat­ur­day. The Bryan Times reports it gets under­way with a fire­fighter breakkfast at 6am at the fire hall fol­lowed by a silent auc­tion between 9am and 3pm at the Amer­i­can Legion. Items being bid­ded on includ­ing gift cer­tifi­cates, toys, fur­ni­ture and col­lectibles. Last year, the auc­tion pro­ceeds helped Eagle Scouts build tables at Wabash Park. Also, ven­dors will be set up to sell their wares down­town from 11 to 2 Sat­ur­day and there will be a chili cook-ff from noon to two.

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