Farm Museum Planned

A new agri­cul­tural museum is planned in Michi­gan that, when fin­ished, would include a col­lec­tion of 6,000 farm toys as well as dis­plays on the his­tory of agri­cul­ture and agri­cul­ture tech­nol­ogy.

The Daily Telegram of Adrian reports the 30,000-square-foot museum would be built in Bliss­field.

The museum is designed as three con­nected barns on two floors, with the upper mez­za­nine over­look­ing the entire main floor. The site is next to farm­land, which could be used as a class­room set­ting and a demon­stra­tion farm.

At the heart of the museum, will be the farm toys.

Fundrais­ing is now tak­ing place for the project, which plans call for to be built at the site of the for­mer Bliss­field Can­ning Co.

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