Fatal Crash In Defiance County

A crash Fri­day night that took the life of a Hicksville man remains under inves­ti­ga­tion today.

The Ohio High­way Patrol says 41 year old James Cum­mings was pro­nounced dead fol­low­ing the two-vehicle crash in Hicksville Town­ship, Defi­ance County. It hap­pened around 9:20p.m. on Ohio 2, one half mile east of Casebeer-Miller road, near Hicksville. Police say Cum­mings was dri­ving a 1998 Chevro­let Tahoe and not wear­ing a safety belt, as he was east­bound on Ohio 2, crossed the cen­ter lane, and slammed head-on into a 2006 Ford F-150 dri­ven by 48 year old Larry Geren of Fort Wayne.

Cum­mings was taken to Com­mu­nity Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, Hicksville where he was pro­nounced dead. Geren, who was wear­ing a safety belt, was treated at the scene.

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