Fatal Crash In Defiance County

The Ohio State High­way Patrol reports a one-vehicle fatal crash Sun­day morn­ing in Defi­ance County’s Delaware Town­ship.

Police say 26 year old Jarad Sharp of Sher­wood, died when he lost con­trols of his vehi­cle on Coy Road at 2:36 a.m.

Accord­ing to the police report, Sharp’s vehi­cle trav­eled off the side of the road­way, went into a small ditch and then flipped, throw­ing Sharp from the vehi­cle.

Two pas­sen­gers, 26 year old Jeda­diah Sharp, also of Sher­wood, and 23 year old Der­reck Sharp of Blakeslee, were taken by ambu­lance to the ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal where they were both treated for non life threat­en­ing injuries and released.

Police say no one was wear­ing seat belts and alco­hol was a fac­tor in the crash, which remains under investigation.

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