A crash on Christ­mas Eve in Williams County left one per­son dead and another seri­ously injured.

The Ohio High­way Patrol says two cars col­lided just before 1 Tues­day after­noon at County Roads 4 and F-50 south­east of Edon and about three miles from the Indi­ana bor­der.

42 year old Tim­o­thy Hart­sock of Edon, was pro­nounced dead at the scene. He was a pas­sen­ger in a car dri­ven by 61 year old Dou­glas Michael of Edon. Their car col­lided with a car dri­ven by 33 year old Casey Kline of Edon, who was west­bound on Road F-50 and, accord­ing to police, ran a stop sign at Road 4 and hit Mr. Michael’s vehi­cle in the pas­sen­ger door.

Dou­glas Michael was flown to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne, Indi­ana where he was listed in seri­ous condition.

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