On Sun­day, June 16 Sauder Vil­lage salutes Father’s Day with free admis­sion for all dads vis­it­ing the his­toric vil­lage. Fathers, grand­fa­thers and even great-grandfathers are invited to spend a day expe­ri­enc­ing life in the past while mak­ing spe­cial mem­o­ries with their fam­ily.

From noon until 4:00 p.m. fam­i­lies are encour­aged to enjoy a fun-filled day with dad at His­toric Sauder Vil­lage. Fam­i­lies can watch the black­smith or cooper at work in their shops, visit the new baby ani­mals in the barn­yard area, take a relax­ing buggy ride or enjoy a trip around the Vil­lage on the Erie Express.

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