A judge in Ful­ton County East­ern Dis­trict Court has granted a con­tin­u­ance in the case of a man charged with fail­ing to reg­is­ter a dog which had pre­vi­ously been deter­mined to be vicious because it is con­sid­ered a “pit bull” mix. A pre­trial con­fer­ence was set for 9 a.m., Oct. 9.

A dog belong­ing to Swan­ton res­i­dent Tim Bork, was iden­ti­fied by act­ing Ful­ton County Dog War­den Brian Ban­nis­ter as being a Brazil­ian mas­tiff mix which he con­sid­ers to be a “pit bull”-type dog.

How­ever, that breed is not specif­i­cally men­tioned in the lan­guage of Swanton’s ordi­nance, which lists breeds it con­sid­ers pit-bull types.

There­fore, Bork said he didn’t reg­is­ter his dog. Now, he faces up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

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