Flood­ing was a prob­lem in many areas over the week­end.

Crews has to assist sev­eral peo­ple in get­ting out of their homes on Sat­ur­day.

Put­nam County Sheriff’s offi­cers assisted res­i­dents located on West Third and West Main streets in Ottawa in get­ting out of their res­i­dences by using a Humvee.

Sev­eral roads in Ottawa and Put­nam County were closed due to flood­ing on Sat­ur­day.

Most of north­west Ohio’s rivers have crested, but in many loca­tions, the water is still over­flow­ing the river­banks, and it will be another day or two before waters recede.

Flood Warn­ings this morn­ing con­tinue in Williams, Defi­ance, Pauld­ing, Put­nam, Henry, Ful­ton, Lucas, Wood, Han­cock, Ottawa, San­dusky, Allen, and Mar­ion Coun­ties.

The worst prob­lems have been expe­ri­enced along the Blan­chard River in Ottawa and Find­lay.

Fore­cast­ers say this next week will be sim­i­lar to last week, with wide­spread, heavy rain and thun­der­storms return­ing by mid­week, which could bring another round of river flood­ing in 5–7 days.

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