Former Paulding County Official Indicted On Felony Charges

The for­mer direc­tor of pro­ba­tion ser­vices for Pauld­ing County has been indicted on felony charges. 46 year old Emily Munger was indicted this week for theft in office, a third-degree felony, and tam­per­ing with records, also a third-degree felony. She will be arraigned in Pauld­ing County Com­mon Pleas court on Mon­day. Munger is accused of steal­ing more than $7,500 between Jan of 2013 and June of this year. She also is accused of tam­per­ing with records in regards to a Com­mu­nity Cor­rec­tions Act Grant appli­ca­tion ear­lier this year. The charges against Munger come fol­low­ing a long inves­ti­ga­tion involv­ing the Pauld­ing County Sheriff’s Office and the Audi­tor of State’s Pub­lic Integrity Assur­ance Team. The Ohio Audi­tor of State’s Office says Pauld­ing County Court Judge Suzanne Ris­ter dis­cov­ered funds were miss­ing from the Pauld­ing County Pro­ba­tion Office in June. That’s when the Integrity Assur­ance Team was called in to inves­ti­gate. The Ohio Auditor’s Office con­cluded that Munger instructed pro­ba­tion­ers to pay her in cash for their required 3rd Mil­len­nium course fees. Munger then allegedly gave the pro­ba­tion­ers ‘receipts’ that she cre­ated to acknowl­edge they paid their fees, but she never gave the money to Pauld­ing County for the courses. It is alleged Munger stole $9,240 in course fees, and col­lected $800 in fees for elec­tronic mon­i­tor­ing pro­grams, which was never deposited with the county. Munger also allegedly “falsely inflated” her hourly wage by an addi­tional $2 per hour. Munger was ter­mi­nated in July.

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