Concern Mounting Over Future Of CCNO

Offi­cials at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio were told to come up with a plan to deal with Toledo not fully pay­ing their $1.389 mil­lion invoice after the City gave notice that it may not be able to pay its Oct. 1 bill. The news all sur­faced dur­ing Wednesday’s finance com­mit­tee meet­ing. Sev­eral thoughts on that impact were shared that included lay­offs and at worst clos­ing CCNO. Now, the CCNOfinance com­mit­tee says Toledo is still work­ing on com­ing up with a plan to pay its $1.389 mil­lion invoice for the fourth quar­ter. Williams County Com­mis­sioner Al Word described CCNO as an icon amidst all jails in the nation. He said to see its demise will have a dras­tic impact with 200 peo­ple los­ing their jobs.

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