The 51 dogs that were seized last week from Skinny Lit­tle Buddy’s are improv­ing.

The Williams County Humane Soci­ety has been car­ing for them, and they report that the dogs have all been checked by a vet, and all but a cou­ple will be put up for adop­tion.

Last Fri­day, all the ani­mals at Skinny Lit­tle Buddy’s Ani­mal Res­cue in Edon were removed by humane offi­cers, vol­un­teers and Williams County sheriff’s deputies, after it was dis­cov­ered that they were liv­ing with­out suf­fi­cient shel­ter and in dirty con­di­tions.

The Humane Soci­ety says they still need vol­un­teers and dona­tions to give these dogs the oppor­tu­nity for a happy life.

To help, just call the Williams County Humane Soci­ety at 419–636-2200.

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