Fountain To Be Shut Down

Sig­nal­ing the inevitable arrival soon of much colder weather, the new foun­tain on the down­town square in Bryan will be shut down for the win­ter on Thurs­day morn­ing.

Although it seems like only yes­ter­day we were all com­plain­ing about the heat, the National Weather Ser­vice is fore­cast­ing sub-freezing tem­per­a­tures overnight Thurs­day and into Fri­day morn­ing. With fears of the foun­tain icing up, plans were put together to shut it down for the sea­son a lit­tle early this year.

Begin­ning around 9 Thurs­day morn­ing, the foun­tain will be turned off and drained and win­ter­ized. Oh… and all the coins will also be removed too.

The foun­tain had a rel­a­tively short sea­son this year. It was offi­cially ded­i­cated and turned on on Octo­ber 3rd. Next year, it will be run­ning a lot longer, after it is started up again in the spring.

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