The Ohio State High­way Patrol says sev­eral crashes on Fri­day left sev­eral peo­ple injured.

Accord­ing to the High­way Patrol, Fri­day after­noon around 2:15pm 23 year old Matthew Maneval of Pio­neer was dri­ving on Ohio 15 north of County Road H when he was hit from behind by 22 year old Jesse Sims of Bryan. Maneval’s vehi­cle was then pushed into the path of an oncom­ing car dri­ven by 33 year old Johathan Wade of Mont­pe­lier. The High­way Patrol says that a fourth vehi­cle dri­ven by 39 year old David Weirich of Mont­pe­lier was then hit by fly­ing debris. Police say alco­hol is sus­pected to be a fac­tor.

A sec­ond crash Fri­day after­noon around 4:20 p.m. involved a car and a motor­cy­cle.

Accord­ing to a release from the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, 16 year old Cait­lyn McCan­d­less of Defi­ance turned her vehi­cle in front of a motor­cy­cle on US 127 oper­ated by 58 year old Tim­o­thy Cupp of Bryan.

A pas­sen­ger on the motor­cy­cle, Sara Nel­son of Bryan, was thrown from the bike and was air­lifted to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter in crit­i­cal con­di­tion. That crash is still under inves­ti­ga­tion accord­ing to the sheriff’s office.

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