Fulton Plans Blitz

The Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office is con­duct­ing a high vis­i­bil­ity traf­fic blitz in con­junc­tion with the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over national cam­paign.

The blitz runs through Sept. 1. The sheriff’s office is work­ing this blitz at var­i­ous times and loca­tions in Ful­ton County, where they say deputies will pri­mar­ily be look­ing for impaired dri­ving vio­la­tions.

The blitz is being funded from a grant that was awarded to the Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office from the Ohio Depart­ment of Pub­lic Safety. The grant pays for extra patrol to enforce the traf­fic laws that will increase the safety of motorists on the road­ways in the areas that are prone to a higher num­ber of seri­ous and fatal crashes.

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