Gas Prices Declining Locally

For the first time in a long time, the price of gaso­line in our area has dropped below $3 a gal­lon.

Accord­ing to Gas­Buddy Dot Com, gas prices in the six-county region on Sat­ur­day ranged from $2.80 in Delta to $3.15 in Mal­inta.

AAA says the national aver­age for gas prices for reg­u­lar unleaded gas was $3.29 per gal­lon last week, with three main rea­sons for the drop…

a decline in price of crude oil, decline in dri­ving, and the switch to winter-blend gas, which costs less to make.

AAA also says the rea­son the price of crude oil has declined is because of the boom in North Amer­i­can petro­leum pro­duc­tion. The increased domes­tic pro­duc­tion has reduced the need for for­eign oil.

Offi­cials also say, enjoy it while you can, because by spring, prices will likely rise again.

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