Get Out And Vote Today

It’s elec­tion day, and lots of state and local offices are up for grabs.

You can cast your bal­lot in your precinct at your des­ig­nated polling place between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. If you do not know where your des­ig­nated precinct or polling place is located, you should con­tact your county board of elec­tions.

When you head to the polls today, be sure to bring your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with you. Ohio law requires that every voter, upon appear­ing at the polling place to vote on Elec­tion Day, must announce his or her full name and cur­rent address and pro­vide proof of the voter’s iden­tity.

Vot­ers with­out an offi­cial form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, will still be able to vote using a pro­vi­sional bal­lot. Vot­ers who do not have any form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, includ­ing a Social Secu­rity num­ber, will still be able to vote by sign­ing an affir­ma­tion state­ment swear­ing to the voter’s iden­tity under penalty of elec­tion fal­si­fi­ca­tion and by cast­ing a pro­vi­sional ballot.

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