Get out your cow­boy hat, scarf and “danc­ing boots” and get ready to kick up your heels.

The John Pauld­ing His­tor­i­cal Museum is get­ting ready for their sixth annual hog roast and barn dance to be held on Sat­ur­day, Sept. 7.

The menu includes pulled pork sand­wiches, escal­loped pota­toes, baked beans, apple­sauce and brown­ies, and is to be served from 5–7 p.m. in Barn #2.

The dance will be from 7 –9 p.m. with Nancy and Com­pany per­form­ing your favorite tunes.

Tick­ets are cur­rently on sale from any his­tor­i­cal soci­ety mem­ber or by call­ing Kim Sut­ton at 419–399-3667.

Tick­ets will also be avail­able at the door. The cost of the din­ner and dance is $10 per per­son. All pro­ceeds will go towards the oper­a­tion of the museum.

The John Pauld­ing His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Museum is located at 600 Fair­ground Drive in Paulding.

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