Governor Visit A Success

Gov­er­nor John Kasich showed up to make a cam­paign speech in our area Fri­day evening.

Kasich, who is seek­ing re-election in Novem­ber, vis­ited the Glen New­comer farm on Ohio 15, just south of Bryan.

It was open to the pub­lic, and spon­sored by the Williams County Repub­li­can Party. About 250 peo­ple came out to meet and hear the gov­er­nor talk about agri­cul­ture and job cre­ation here in Ohio.

Fol­low­ing his speech, Kasich took ques­tions and com­ments from the audi­ence.

Kasich, on Nov. 4, faces Demo­c­rat Ed FitzGerald.

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