Habitat accepting applications for two new home builds

Habi­tat for Human­ity is tak­ing appli­ca­tions for it’s next two homes to be built in Pauld­ing County. Open enroll­ment is on now until March 14th for any county res­i­dents inter­ested in apply­ing for a Habi­tat home. Habitat’s mis­sion is to build homes with fam­i­lies who are unable to secure a nor­mal bank loan. The part­ner fam­i­lies, along with vol­un­teers, help build the home, which helps keep costs low. When the home is com­plete, the own­ers have a zero-interest mort­gage loan they repay to Habi­tat for Human­ity. To apply for a home, email this address: contact@habitatpauldingcounty.org and ask for an application.

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